Using SEVEX to get the Emergency Maps and the needed information in case of accident for a given site. The only things you have to do are :
- To collect the information around the site
- To define the topography around the site
- To define the Land Use around the site
- To calculate the wind field
- To select Accident scenario
- To draft the Emergency Maps
1.General information around the site top
To collect the information around the studied site SEVEX may use a scanned road map representing an area of 37Km x 37Km around the site. In most of the cases, the studied site is located at the centre of this area.
2. Topography definition around the site top
The topography is defined from the scanned road map using the drawn level lines.
3. Land Use definition around the site top
The Land Use is defined from the scanned road map. A distinction is made between water surface, urban area, forest and grassland surfaces. The resolution of the land use map is 1Km x 1Km.
4. Wind Field calculation around the site top
The SEVEX-MESO 3D METEO MODULE computes the wind field over the total surface. The local wind is computed from the synoptic wind in taking into account the topography and the land use of the local area. From this wind field, some preliminary observations can be made :
- The wind speed is reduced due to urban roughness.
- The wind speed is reduced in some areas due to some conflicting situations.
- The synoptic wind is retrieved in non-perturbed region.
- The katabatic winds counteract the synoptic wind near the ground.
- The wind speed is reduced or amplified due to katabatic effects.
5. Accident Scenario Selection top
The accident scenario selection is made from a list of predetermined scenario or a new accident scenario can be created. To create a new accident scenario the following information have to be defined :
- The accident description (product, quantity,...)
- The wind Sector direction
- The period of the day
6. Emergency Maps top
Then the emergency maps are drafted. With a very precise and concise presentation, each map gives the following information :
- The hazard information
- The accident descriptions
- The meteo conditions
- The danger zones
- The behavior to adopt with respect to danger level
Product of ATM-PRO sprl & Lakes Environmental Software Inc.