References Agencies
Conference & Fairs
Integrated Methods for Air Quality Management | 06/03/1998 Genève, Suisse |
Software Tools Relevant to the Seveso II Directive | 13/10/1999 Finlande |
The Challenge of Implementing Council Directive ‘Seveso II’ | 10-12/11/1999 Athènes, Grèce |
Implementing Seveso II | 06-08/11/2000 UK |
Loss Prevention | 19-21/06/2001 Suède |
BEST Environment | 21-23/11/2001, 12-14/11/2003 Belgique |
Disaster Management and Industrial Hazards | 08-09/05/2002 Irelande |
Pollutec France | 26-29/11/2002, 02-05/12/2003 France |
ACHEMA | 19-24/05/2003 Allemagne |
Useful Links
Emergency Response Guidebook 2000 |