- Realistic 3D atmospheric & Dispersion models
- Complex terrain modelling (Topography and Land Use)
- User-friendly and Tailored software
- Efficient tools for decision makers
- Solutions for industries, authorities and consulting companies
- Compliant software to EC and US legislation.
Environmental Software top

Impact Studies top
- Long term & short term environmental impact assessment

Emergency Planning top
- Accidental Pollution and Emergency Planning

Risk Management top
- Human Health Risk Assessment of air pollution

Who's who ? top
Spin off of the "Institut d'Astronomie et de Géophysique G. Lemaître" (UCL - Belgium) was set up in 1995 to provide the most efficient and scientifically based software & services to Industry, Authorities and Consultants in the field of the Atmospheric Environment.
ATM-PRO software are based on realistic 3D Atmospheric & Dispersion models which take into account the Terrain Complexity - Topography and Land Use - as required to assess realistically the impacts of Air Pollution.
ATM-PRO develops, uses & markets a comprehensive range of environmental packages which are the most efficient tools to perform realistic Environmental Impact Studies, Emergency planning & Risk Assessment.
ATM-PRO range consists in PC windows software including the newest and state of the art modeling tools.
ATM-PRO distributes Lakes Environmental Software Products in Europe.