Fully implements the latest U.S. EPA guidance for evaluating ecological risks
(the 1999 U.S. EPA - OSW Screening Level Level Ecological Risk Assessment Protocol)
EcoRisk View is a user friendly graphical interface, with help wizards, user tips, and more, allowing all experience levels of risk assessors, trial burn planners, permit writers, and toxicologists to readily produce expert results and reports in a fraction of the time and cost traditionally required.
Some highlights include :
- Provides complex default food webs with "point-and-click" flexibility to modify trophic level pathways or even create new food webs altogether.
- Ideal to formulate risk based sampling objectives and detection limits, and identifying site-specific sensitive receptors.
- Provides a highly effective tool for rapidly isolating which compounds, pathways, and receptors drive risk.
- Contains a wealth of species specific toxicity reference values and BCFs. Point-and-click flexibility to change default values to user specific values or conduct sensitivity analyses.
- Excellent real time capabilities for updating projects for clients and regulators.
EcoRisk View easily guides the inexperienced and experienced user alike step-by-step through completing a risk assessment according to the latest U.S. EPA recommended scenarios
System Requirements :
- A IBM or IBM-compatible machine and a Pentium processor or higher
- At least 40 MB of available hard disk space and 16 MB of memory (RAM)
- Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000 or Windows NT
- CD-ROM drive (for installation)
Product of Lakes Environmental Software Inc.